Category Archives: Bible Study

Luke 9

Jesus Sends Out His Apostles

The power and authority given to the Apostles came from Jesus. It never comes from the person who wields it, it always comes from God. The Apostles were sent out and instructed not to bring anything with them but rely on God to supply them with food, clothing and shelter through those whom they would minister to.

Jesus Feeds Thousands

Jesus said to his disciples that they had food for the crowds to eat. Bewildered, the disciples who were at that time being tested, knew not what to do. Jesus wanted to see where their faith was.

The True Glory of Jesus

God made it known that Jesus was indeed His Son. The timing of this is in fact important. Think about what God allows you to know and hear.

The Power of Faith

Jesus was distressed about the current generation being so faithless, to the point where He worried what they would do when He, the Man of faith, left them.

True Greatness

How you receive a child is how your will receive Jesus. That’s really contrary to how people usually receive children. These aren’t just little children, but those who are children of the most high God.


When you walk for Me I’ll show up for thee, 13

Don’t shut the doors on the miracles of your life, 12

Be ready to hear the truth, 36 –

The impossible is an opportunity of faith, 13-14

Jesus is able to fill to overflow, 17

Beware of the hearts of men, 54-56

Just believe, 41

Allow the word to sink into your heart deeply, 44

Deny yourself and follow Christ, 23

Who is Jesus to you, 20

Jealously will make you judge, 49

Where is your faith in the midst of a situation, 12-14

Whatever you do don’t look back, 62

To loose your life is worth the price, 24

Luke 8

Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Realm

The writer makes it known that Jesus went through many cities and villages not only with the 12 men He discipled, but with women as well, women who were healed of diseases and had demons cast out of them. Be careful about who you are around. They can devour you, water you or just not care. Choose to be around someone, but if you remain alone, you will wither without fellowship.

The Revelation Light

People whom we interact with daily in our lives can be compared to these “soils” that are conditions of the heart. For the Word of God as seed to fall on good grown and bear much fruit, there must be patience. Yet, in the Church the on demand mentality of the World is prevalent in Jesus body. Patience will produce choice, good fruit. Jesus said take heed therefore how you hear. Don’t just hear, listen, don’t just look, see. Hear and open your heart wide to receive with a teachable spirit.

Peace in the Storm

Jesus asked the disciples, “Where is your faith?” Who is it in? Uncover it and put it in Jesus, the Lord of all things. What is your posture in the midst of anything? If Jesus is allowing the waters of rage and winds to blow, if He’s allowing the ship to get overwhelmed, all it takes is for Jesus to speak one word, and it will subside and cease. Learn to have faith in Him, not in what He can do.

A Demonized Man Set Free

Demons went to Jesus and begged for Him not to torment them. Yet, sometimes, Christians encounter demons and beg the demons not to torment them! We don’t know the One who resides in us. We don’t know His Lordship and power over the Evil Realm.

More Miracles of Healing

Faith is a substance and if you don’t have it, things won’t get done, that is, things you ask the Lord for. With faith, there is almost always a sign of humility of the one displaying the virtue.


  1. Open wide your spirit to let revelation light flood within, 10
  2. Light floods the darkness of a teachable heart, 9-10
  3. Minister to Jesus with a cheerful, giving heart, 3
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, 9
  5. What’s your posture during the storm, 23-24
  6. What kind of steward are you, 10
  7. Plant yourself in good ground, 15
  8. Is the seed in you, 11
  9. The same Christ lives in you, 28
  10. With what intent do you listen, 18
  11. Humility proceeds faith, 41
  12. When you hear the Word of God, walk in it, 21
  13. Reach for Jesus with a sincere heart, 45

Luke 7

Jesus Heals

Faith is extremely important in getting things done in the Kingdom and without it, its impossible to please God. Faith in words: God spoke and things came into being. Faith does not operate without purpose.

Jesus Raises the Dead

The dead can come back to life, through faith.

The Prophet John’s Question

If John had not known the old testament prophecy from Isaiah that One would come to restore, John would not have know whether Jesus’ response was true or not. Know the scriptures.


  1. Faith needs a purpose to exist in you, 9
  2. Have faith in Jesus’ words, 7
  3. Ever look to God with a heart of holy awe, 16
  4. Lay all you have at Jesus feet, 38
  5. To what degree do you love, 47
  6. The Lord will dry all your tears, 13-15
  7. Have compassion before reaction, 13-15
  8. In what ways are you rejecting God?, 30
  9. True faith will save you, 50
  10. Who is Jesus to you, 34
  11. The least in the Kingdom shall be the greatest, 28

Luke 6

Jesus and Religious Traditions

Look at what the Scribes and Pharisees are doing. They watched and knew that Jesus was going to heal a man who needed wholeness. The scribes and Pharisees were so blinded by darkness, by the letter of the law that they could not see the beauty of a miracle and the miracle Maker right in front of them. They waited to catch Jesus in His words, but He answers too gracefully with every response, not having the intention to prove them wrong, but the intention to speak what is truth. Speak the truth because its truth. Speak truth with good intentions.

Jesus Chooses Twelve Apostles

Jesus spent the night in prayer before He choose His twelve disciples. The fact that Jesus and His Father are One, yet He spent all night in prayer. How much more the necessity of prayer for us all.

Jesus Taught Them What Matters Most

The Kingdom of Heaven is counter-cultural to what the world says. Jesus’ sayings are the entry requirements for Heaven. Those who are rich should be cautioned. Living a life of comfort in this life is all the comfort you’ll ever get because in the next life you’ll have no comfort at all. There is a danger of physical comfort that can become an idol or a hinderance to our character, especially in the American Church.

Love Your Enemies

Live your life like Jesus lived. Don’t get wrapped up in what you’ve done for others expecting them to do something for you in return. Evaluate why you’re doing the things you do. Are you investing to get back a return? Are you doing things to represent Jesus well? Are you doing things to represent yourself? Do with an intent to give, whatever that may look like, expecting nothing in return. Even with tithing to Church, let your intentions be good, not demanding that the money is spent in a certain kind of way. Be merciful as your Father is merciful.


  1. Don’t let tradition nullify your faith, 2-5
  2. Don’t come to Jesus with ulterior motives, 7
  3. Step away to pray, 12
  4. Be strong in Jesus’ light not your life, 9
  5. Don’t gobble up God’s mercy and give scraps to others, 36
  6. You don’t have a right not to do what’s right, 27-31
  7. Correct your walk before you talk, 42
  8. Displays of virtue in your heart should match your actions, 45
  9. Call upon the Lord and obey His instructions, 46

Luke 5

The Miracle Catch of Fish

Simon answered Jesus saying, “Master,” not even knowing Him. Simon Peter called Jesus such attesting to His great authority. Maybe Simon had heard about Jesus’ prior miracles. Simon’s obedience was astounding to listen to Jesus, without even knowing Him. Firstly when Jesus requested to use his boat and secondly when Jesus suggested he cast his net again. Simon treated Jesus with respect, having not known Him. If you’re obedient to what God says to do, then you’ll reap an abundance.

Jesus, the Healer

Jesus’ response to the disciples including Simon’s response to this great miracle of fish is so profound. Peter, James & John left all to follow Him, because of one astounding miracle. Now they would be catching men instead of fish.

The leprous man fell at Jesus feet, Peter, falls at Jesus feet. Though we can come to the throne boldly, we still have to have reverent humility toward God. His healing was meant to be a testimony to others, namely the priests, of what Jesus can not only do for us, but for all.

Even when massive crowds ran after Him, He took time for them, but also valued time in the quiet. We can’t let people running after us seem like interruptions to our private prayer life and on the other side of that, we can’t let people drain us and deliberately interrupt our prayer lives. Everything we do in love toward others is an act of worship to God.

Many people that could have been in the situation of the paralyzed man and his friends would probably have come back due to the large crowd. However, their faith was incredibly strong, and because of their faith, Jesus healed.

Jesus Calls Matthew to Follow Him

Levi was in a profession to which many hated him, yet Jesus did not look at his job title, Jesus looked at his heart.


Obedience & blind trust yield great abundance – Sister Terita, 5-7

What lengths will you go to for what you need – Sister livy 19-20

Follow Jesus in spite of your self or sins, 10

Be willing to give up your comfort for Christ, 11

Approach God with humility, 8, 12

Let your healing be a testimony, 14

Press into the word of God, 1

Christ alone can make you clean, 12-13

Take time to commune with God, 16

Can Jesus use your boat?, 3