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A New Wind is Blowing

In this year and time, new technology and hostilities between countries and governments has increased greatly. God is now allowing a new will to usher in a change in the hearts of people in governments and of countries to begin to prepare for what is coming next: war. I believe He is letting people see themselves, so that they can make the choice to either live for Him or live for the world and burn for an eternity. They must make the final decision now.

Last night, the wind was blowing fiercely, and as I looked at the sky the Lord placed in my heart that there is a new wind that is going to be blowing, it’s  about the change that will take place now with this country and this world, because His return is eminent. He was sharing with me that He is letting this wind blow, a fierce wind. Because of the fierceness of sin and violence of this world, He wants His people to be ready to go at anytime during this time frame. He will not let us suffer his wrath. What we are going through now, it is a testament of what is happening in Revelation. This is the time to start making up your mind up what you will do, because this wind is going to blow very strongly that mean heavy test and trials in your walk..

The Bible speaks of the East wind; it brought the plagues to Egypt with the locusts (Genesis 10:13). This East wind also parted the Red Sea. There are also multiple types of winds: the south and north wind, east wind brought the locust to egypt the west wind….it drove away the locust from Egypt (Exodus 10:19). The south wind blew Paul’s ship gently across the sea before a fierce wind demolished the ship. God used the south wind to quiet the very Earth.

Job 37:15-17

 Dost thou know when God disposed them, and caused the light of his cloud to shine?Dost thou know the balancings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge? How thy garments are warm, when he quieteth the earth by the south wind? Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass? Teach us what we shall say unto him; for we cannot order our speech by reason of darkness. Shall it be told him that I speak? if a man speak, surely he shall be swallowed up. And now men see not the bright light which is in the clouds: but the wind passeth, and cleanseth them.


The wind is described so often to do some many different things. It also says in the Word on the day of Pentecost that the Holy Ghost came rushing in as a mighty rushing wind; an awesome thing (Acts 2:2-4).

The east wind is also equated for war, due to the violent nature of itself (Jeremiah 18:16-17). In other words, there is a wind that is blowing from the east of violence and of war. It came to me strongly last night that war is upon us. We need to be mindful, gathering food water, whatever we need to do to make sure we are sustained. Everyone one is looking at the presidency, but I am sensing something stronger than that is going to happen this year. So it behooves us to be more mindful of what we are doing. The Bible tells us never to give up, no matter how bad things get. We want to see more happen for this ministry, but I am not giving up on the ministry or any of these things. I believe God is going to cause people that you never would have thought to come into the house of God. He will open His heart to all those individuals and they will hear. Those who have been in Church the ones who came to church…they know too much about Church to their own understanding. The Lord wants a clean and fresh heart, not an old stale one that has been stale from their own mentality. The bible tells us lean not to thy own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. Well we don’t do that, we direct our path and then blame God. The Lord wants a humble Spirit.

This war coming on this Earth, I’m hoping and praying that the message gets out as the Bible says choose ye this day who you will serve, whether it be God or man. Don’t let this things come upon you unaware. I had a dream where I saw myself in a building. One side of me there was a table and chair, and there was a storm outside. A person was telling me  there is a storm you need to get out. But I said no I’ll just get underneath the table. Someone I knew had gone to another table across the way, and they looked and said it would be better if you came this way, you’d better come this way. So I said no the table I’m under is sturdy. But something told me “go to the other side of the room.” The moment I did, a tornado came and wiped the whole side where I was under the table  away. So the Lord was trying to teach me to listen to Him when He speaks when God say to move, move and if he say stop then stop.

No matter how hard the winds blow in your life, you can never give up. Change what God wants you to change. This new wind that is coming up is no joke. This is the wind of violence that is coming. Violence is going to take place more and more everyday, to the point where all you hear about is violence. The Bible says you’ll hear of wars and rumors of wars, but don’t be soon shaken. Realize that you need to get yourself together. There is no more doing what you want to do, but doing what God wants you to do; to do His will and to do His work.

There was a strong emphasis last night when the Lord shared with me on the new wind. The wind is about getting yourself ready as well as get prepared for Him. I feel an unction in my Spirit that His return is not going to be too long from now. Its no more playing church. When the wind comes, it will test you as to whether you are a Child of God, or not. Whatever is in your life that is causing a hindrance with your walk with God, it will be tested. This time your life is going to be very shaken and not stirred, harder than before many times over.


James 1:6-8 talks about how this wind with cause you to make a certain decision.

 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.


This wind is going to test the very fiber of your salvation. Sure you’ve had tests and trials, but this wind that is coming is of a higher magnitude. Is the love you have for money or spouse more than your love for God? If so, when the wind comes, you will fail. Do you want to live for Christ, or do you want to die for the things you love in the world? When the East wind comes upon you, it will bring things up in your life that you won’t be able to stand. This wind will determine whether you are a saint or an aint.

We need to focus totally on our walk in Christ. The Word says, blessed is he who when he returns finds him so doing. Are you trying to win souls or trying to get them to like you? Are you doing God’s will or no. God wants a pure heart that is going to serve Him without doubt. People want to come to God in their own and with their own preconceived notions that it has to be “my way.” God is saying when this wind blows it will blow away all of those mentalities and reveal the real and raw you. Most people don’t want to let go of their carnal ways to serve God. But all those carnal things are not really you. They have just been pressed upon you because of your surroundings. God has made you to love people. But most people think serving God takes away from their freedom. You need to make a choice.

People take spiritual books that people write to be completely true. They are not 100% true. Speakers are not 100% true. But when the man of God speaks, it will prick something in you, then you’ll know that what he said was true.

Who you allow to be around you, teach you and talk to you; to dominate your life will be a part of who you are. If you allow Satan to be your guide, you life will be dark and controlled. If you allow the light through Jesus (Yeshua) then he will not control you, but guide you. When the wind comes, your false lifestyle will be blown away, your true emotional stand point will be revealed. When the clothes, and the images and the dress, and the lifestyle you lead are blown away and all that remains is you standing there, can you go through a test?

Be prepared for the storm ahead. Prepare for the war ahead. The war does not have to be between nations but it could be your personal war. As God to prepare you for that time.


Christian Faith Based Systems Part 3

Continuing from part two of our series…

Even though a lot of these popes in Vatican history have done some very terrible things under the name of Christendom, there are some Popes who have done some good things. However, the overall impact on Christian society today is that people are focused on the negative things that they are doing. It wouldn’t be a bad thing against the Roman Catholic Church except, that they are continually doing some of the same things that they did back then, during the years with the popes mentioned in part 2 of this series. We find out that in the 1980s, 1990s, and today, that there are Popes and Catholic priests doing some of the same terrible things. Instead of it being done openly and publicly, these things are being done secretly. How can a religious system be beneficial to the people, if they are still practicing the same paganistic mentalities that they did from years ago?

Now we will move on to another faith based system: The Word of Faith Movement.

The Word of Faith Movement is a world wide movement that teaches that Christians can access the power of faith or fear through speech. Its distinctive teachings are found on the radio, internet, television, and in many Christian Churches. The basic doctrine preaches that of wealth, health, and through positive confession. The Word of Faith Movement has distinctive teachings including physical, emotional, financial, and relational healing  or prosperity for any who have the right belief filled confession. The Movement emphasizes choosing to speak the promise and provision that the speaker wants, as an act of faith and in agreement with God’s plan and purpose. They believe that this is what Jesus meant in Mark 11:22-23. The term “Word of Faith,” is derived from the passage Romans 10:8 that says…”the word of faith which we preach;”

We are not saying that the Word of Faith Movement is wrong, but when the people who are pronouncing it begin to change the very essence of what the Movement means, then problems arise. They began to pronounce to people that they were “gods.” “You are born again right? Then that makes you a Child of God, and if so, that means you are a god, because you came from God.” They emphasized this, not understanding the scriptures. In Isaiah 43:10 God says of Himself “before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me,” and further in Isaiah 44:6 that “I am the first, and I am the last, and beside me there is no God, and further in Deuteronomy 6:4 “The Lord our God is one Lord.” Also see 1 Corinthians 8:4-6. ” We are not “gods,” as though we are above anything petty and esteem ourselves higher that what we are. This world of Faith Movement started off the right way, and went on the wrong way. We will not be gods, but friends of God (John 15:15).

Below is an excerpt from an article published by Charismanews.com titled “10 Ways the Word of Faith Movement Went Wrong,” that explains how the movement, has gone astray although having faith in God is good. The entire article can be found on at this web address: http://www.charismanews.com/oinion/41054-10-ways-the-word-of-faith-movement-went-wrong

1. They preach a “rights centered” gospel rather then a “stewardship centered” gospel.
Perhaps influenced by our Jeffersonian heritage of individual rights in America, the way the gospel is applied to individuals in the Word of Faith movement is based on personal rights in Christ. Although this is partially true, the New Testament balances our rights in Christ with our responsibility that goes along with these rights.
2. Their dispensational belief precludes the role and importance of the Old Covenant in the New Covenant age.
I heard Brother Hagin brag several times in his teaching sessions that he did not read the Old Covenant because we have a new and better covenant now in Christ. The challenge with that teaching is that he did not understand the relevance and role of the moral and civic law of God found from Exodus to Deuteronomy—especially the Ten Commandments that were repeated over and over again either exactly or in principle by the New Testament writers. Without the moral law of God, we have no standard for holiness and will lack the conviction of sin the moral law gives as our standard of holiness and ethics.
3. They have a semi-gnostic dualism regarding their view of God.
Word of Faith preachers have a simple view of God: Everything that is good is of God, and everything bad is from the devil.
4. Positive confession sometimes leads to dishonesty and superficial Christianity.
I have been around many believers who are afraid to be honest and admit they are struggling with their faith. This brings people into bondage and even a form of superficial religion. Some believers are like robots—when you ask them how they are doing, they routinely say, “I am blessed and highly favored!” However, I know some of these people, and they are merely trying to keep a positive confession even though their world is falling apart.
5. Their view on prosperity is only based on giving.
While it is true that the Bible teaches we reap what we sow and that if we give, it will be given back to us (Luke 6:38), one of the flaws of the Word of Faith movement is that it only teaches people one side of prosperity. I believe the church needs to equip the saints not only to give but also to get, as well as how to manage what they get  while investing and saving for the future.
6. They have faith in their faith as a principle rather than it emanating out of the person of Christ.
I have found in many instances where this movement presented faith almost as an impersonal force, like the law of gravity. This led to teachings like “having faith in your faith.” When this is taught, it can disconnect faith from intimacy with the Lord. The more I get to know a person, the more I can trust them. Faith is not a force. It is a result of growing in simple trust based on growing in an experiential knowledge of the Lord. Faith is relational. It is not an impersonal force.
7. Some pastors have modeled their church preaching after these “specialists” in the body. 
Brother Hagin, T.L. Osborn, Smith Wigglesworth and the like were not typical pastors called to oversee a flock. Thus, they were able to preach based on their primary assignment, which was faith and healing.
8. It can put guilt and bondage on believers.
I have heard of many people who walk around in guilt because they are not healed or because they are struggling financially. In some cases, I have even heard of famous faith preachers who checked into a hospital under a different name so word would not get out that they were sick and under a doctor’s care!
9. It can produce independent, narcissistic believers.
When the Word of Faith movement went from a stewardship-centered gospel to a rights-centered gospel, it also attracted many self-focused people—people who used God as an excuse for their lavish lifestyles and who frowned upon those living in simplicity. Unfortunately, this teaching often appealed to the narcissistic tendencies in all of us, and many large ministries were built more upon the American Dream of having a nice house and a nice car than upon taking up our cross and following Jesus. Jesus said in Luke 14:33 that we have to lose everything in order to be His disciple, but many in this movement only focus on what we gain. Truly, you can’t be resurrected until you first go to the cross!
10. It is not connected to the cultural mandate of Genesis 1:28.
Last but not least, the Word of Faith movement did not go far enough. Instead of limiting faith to merely believing for individual healing and health, the Word of God teaches that our faith should also transform whole cities and subdue kingdoms! (See Isaiah 61:4 and Hebrews 11:33.) The gospel is a blueprint to disciple and baptize whole people groups, not just individuals (Matt. 28:19-20). It not only deals with individual sinners but systemic evil. The Word of Faith movement, though, brings faith for individual victory but doesn’t say much about corporate victory. However, regarding the community of believers, faith is also based on the corporate culture and anointing of a congregation. (First Corinthians 11:27-32 and Hebrews 3-4 teach that whole congregations can be negatively affected by a culture of unbelief or disobedience.)

Conflicts of Your Christian Life

Conflicts: Things Have Changed

Conflict: A clash between hostile or opposing forces

7 Conflicts in the Christian Life

1) Christian behavior- Romans 13:1-2
“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”

The powers that be will use these verses to get the Child of God to be obedient to them for the purpose of control. The old man wants to address a situation in the ways it wants to without using the Word of God. They watch to see how you are, to get your reaction.

2) Sin. Do you wrestle with sin? It is a conflict with your spiritual walk. Sin comes in all types of ways. Sin is always present.

3) To live holy or not to live holy:

James 3:1-18, James 4:1-17, Romans 13:14, Romans 6:1

4) Flesh and the Spirit – Romans 8, John 1:13

5) The voice of Jesus Christ – Sometimes we think our own voices are the voice of Jesus. But, when He truly speaks to you, you will know assuredly. “And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.” John 10:4-5. Also see Matthew 16:17, John 10:27

6) Lust – This goes beyond sex. The lust to do evil, head games, lust to sin. Lust, money and power cause men to fall. For women,  love, financial ability, and outer appearance cause them to fall. Lust not, want not, need not. How many are lusting after Jesus? Ephesians 2:3

7) To pray or not to pray- We should know when to pray and what to prayer about and wait for God to answer. Matthew 6:7. David was a man after Gods own heart. His heart was genuine when he asked for forgiveness. We need to do the same.

These conflicts are just normally against the child of God, a part from personal conflicts. Whatever we go through, seek the answers from God, fall on your knees, fall on your face, humble yourself. He is the only hope in our Christian walk.

Understanding Spiritual Gifts Part 2

This week we will continue our study on “Understanding Spiritual Gifts.” We will move on with the 9 Charismatic Gifts.


9 Valuable Gifts in helping to accomplish the work of the ministry. These gifts aren’t to be used for you personally, but to be used to profit the entire body of Christ. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal” (1 Corinthians 12:7).


  1. Word of Wisdom – 1 Corinthians 12:8 “ For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom…”  Wisdom is defined as the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgement as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight. The Word of Wisdom is in the Word of God. Some people have this knowledge given to them via the Spirit. There was a man named Johnny James, who was working on a ladder, slipped and fell, and had an impact on his head. When he came too, he was able to recite verbatim the scriptures with just the mention of a chapter and verse. He is called “the walking Bible.” His story can be found on youtube.
  2. Word of Knowledge – 1 Corinthians 12:8 “to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit…” This gift is one which gives the recipient a supernaturally inspired utterance of facts.
  3. Faith – 1 Corinthians 12:9 “…To another faith by the same Spirit…” Faith is complete trust in God. Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:1 further describes what faith is: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” The recipient of this gift is given a supernatural impartation of assurance in God.
  4. Gift of Healing – 1 Corinthians 12:9 “…to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit…” This gift is definitely needed for the ministry. The laying on of hands is an awesome thing to have in your life and people recover from their sickness. We don’t see this gift very often in the Church. God has given this gift to people who can handle it;  who will operate to glorify God and not themselves. Its for the edification of the body. The recipient of this gift supernaturally ministers health to the sick.
  5. Working of Miracles – 1 Corinthians 12:10 “…To another the working of miracles…” The Greek describes it as “works of power” and implies instantaneous results. Raising people from the dead, bringing peace into a violent situation; these are the workings of miracles. The word miracle is defined as an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause. God has given you divine intervention to do things for people by the Word of God. To allow God to step in to heal, deliver, or speak into a life and things happen, it is awesome. Again it is not for your personal fame or edification, but for the Body of Christ. Its all about doing His will, to bring others to Christ.
  6. Prophecy – 1 Corinthians 12:10 “… to another prophecy…” 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 says despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Prophecy is defined as the foretelling or prediction of what is to come. Many will “proph-e-lie,” but there aren’t many who prophecy. When a person does prophecy, they are spiritually prononucing or imparting something from God. A true prophecy is known by its coming to pass.
  7. Discerning of Spirits – 1 Corinthians 12:10 “…to another discerning of spirits…” Discerning is defined as revealing insight and understanding. When you deserning something, it is very important. You can tell what will happen to someone, or what spirit is on a person or when a spirit comes into the house that is of God or not, or further whether someone teaches the Word of God or not.
  8. Different Kinds of Tongues – 1 Corinthians 12:10 “…to another divers kinds of tongues…” The utterance in an unknown language which is interpreted as a prophecy to the body for their edification. This is distinguished from praying in tongues which is to edify ones self 1 Cor 14:14. The message of tongues to the Body of Christ is always to be interpreted by another gift. It is limited to three within a gathering 1 Cor 14:27.
  9. Interpretation of Tongues – 1 Corinthians 12:10 “..to another the interpretation of tongues…” This is the supernatural interpretation of a message in tongues into the understandable language of the hearers. It is not a “translation” but an interpretation.

Next week, we will talk about the applications of these 9 valuable gifts.