The Plot to Kill Jesus
The Priests and Religious Scholars wanted to kill Jesus.
Jesus is Anointed for His Death and Burial
Do we have areas in our life where we value Jesus with our whole lives like the woman who anointed Jesus or are we like the disciples who did not seem to value Him as much as she?
The Passover
Get a visual of being in the disciples shoes as they are wondering who it was who would betray Jesus. Can you even imagine what may have been going through Judas’ mind?
Jesus Shares Communion with His Twelve
Jesus doesn’t expose Judas before the other 11 disciples. He sees the bigger picture in the midst of it. Look at Jesus’ life as a blueprint. Don’t call those out who betray and back-stab you, but focus on the bigger picture, what really matters.
Jesus Prophesies Peter’s Denial
We can see Peter’s arrogance here and his great love for Jesus.
Jesus Prays in Gethsemane
We are to do for Him what He did for us, because He first did it for us. He threw Himself down and prayed to the Father. Coming back to His disciples, he found they were asleep. Are you in a spiritual sleep to the point that when Jesus comes, you’ll be left behind? Always be on guard and covered by watching and praying.
Jesus’ Betrayal and Arrest
Judas identifies Jesus with an affectionate kiss. Something so intimate as a kiss was used as an act of betrayal. What heart wrenching agony Jesus may have experienced when Judas twisted a gesture that was meant to represent love and trust to one of betrayal and selfishness.
Jesus Condemned by the Religious Leaders
Jesus was taunted being blindfolded and hit on the face, and asked to prophecy about who was going to hit him next. How evil and cynical. Beaten and spat upon. He’s condemned to die. In spite of all of this, Jesus’ displays of humility toward those who brutalized him were astounding and beautiful.
- The Love of God will never change
- You have to admit to be legit, 43
- Is Jesus worthy of the Oil of your life?, 3
- Don’t let your situation dictate your salvation, 69-72
- Don’t use the kiss of flesh to lead to hiding your mess, 44-45
- Live by the will of the Lord, not your own,
- Jesus wants to sup with you. Open to Him. 13-17
- Don’t let your life betray Christ, 10-11
- Let the humility of Christ shape your life, 56, 61
- Jesus is food for the soul, 22-26
- Let the Lord break you to make you, 72